Everyday Health

Avoid these Common Detox Mistakes

Avoid these Common Detox Mistakes

A gentle, seasonal spring cleanse offers numerous health benefits, but as with any new program, it’s important start slowly and go easy on yourself. One common issue with many detox protocols is that they promise a “quick fix” using harsh ingredients that can send the body into a “detox crisis” with difficult reactions like headaches, digestive issues, lethargy, brain fog and more. However, there are easier, more comfortable and safer ways to remove toxins from the body and avoid unpleasant detox reactions
Top Anti-Allergy Foods

Top Anti-Allergy Foods

Spring is finally here, but for those with seasonal allergies, it’s hardly a time to celebrate. Pollen counts are packing yet another serious punch this year, causing people who suffer from allergies to endure itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion, stuffiness and other uncomfortable symptoms. While over-the-counter anti-histamines and other anti-allergy drugs can provide some relief, they often come with side effects like drowsiness and brain fog.
Rethinking a Raw Food Diet

Rethinking a Raw Food Diet

While it may not be the latest health movement, the raw food diet is one that continues to gain followers seeking to jump-start their health, beauty, detox and weight loss regimens. But how healthy is a raw food diet?
Functional Foods to Fuel Your Health

Functional Foods to Fuel Your Health

Emphasizing nutrient dense, functional foods in your diet is the best way to improve health and well-being. Functional foods do just what they say: help your body function at its best. If you’re not emphasizing these high integrity, highly nutritious foods and ingredients, you may be starving your body of the building blocks it needs to not just function, but actually thrive.