Budget Your Health: How to Maximize 10 Superfoods

Budget Your Health: How to Maximize 10 Superfoods

On our search for wellness it can seem that a new superfood pops up on a daily basis. While we want to do the best for our bodies, these exotic ingredients can create a strain on our pocket books. The cost can be overwhelming and an inhibitor to maximizing health and wellness. There’s also another road block – how to use them.

To save you precious time and money we took the guess work out. This shopping list features ten of the most well rounded, affordable and versatile super-ingredients. We couldn’t leave you hanging, so we also included five great recipes to mix, blend and sprinkle your way to maximum health. Enjoy!

Shopping List – the 10 Superfoods for your Fridge

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are an excellent source of healthy essential fatty acids – containing eight times more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon! Chia seeds are also one of the most digestible plant proteins, an excellent source of dietary fiber, and a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and free-radical fighting antioxidants.

Hemp Powder

At 15 g of protein per serving, hemp is a well-balanced vegetarian protein source that includes all the essential amino acids. Hemp powder is also a healthy source of dietary fiber, chlorophyll, and minerals including magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium. It also supplies powerful antioxidants including alpha-beta, gamma and delta-tocopherol and alpha tocotrienol.

Coconut Milk

With a rich and creamy texture, coconut milk is a great alternative to dairy even if you aren’t lactose intolerant. Boasting 50% more calcium than dairy milk is just one reason. It’s also is an excellent source of vitamins D and B12. Coconut milk is made by grating the meat of the coconut and blending it with the water inside. This process leaves some coconut meat in the milk giving it high fiber content too.

Greek Yogurt

All yogurts are excellent sources of calcium, potassium, protein, zinc, and vitamins B6 and B12. What distinguishes Greek yogurt is its thicker, creamier texture because the liquid whey is strained out. Also, it contains probiotic cultures and is lower in lactose and has twice the protein content of regular yogurts.

Raw Organic Honey

Honey contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other unique nutrients. Nutrient content often depends on the type of flowers the bees used. Commonly, honey contains vitamin C, calcium and iron. Honey also contains bifidobacteria, an effective probiotic, and raw honey stimulates bifidobacteria growth in the intestine. 

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

The benefits of coconut oil are endless and include stress relief, cholesterol maintenance, weight loss, boosted immune system, proper digestion and regulated metabolism. These benefits can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and their respective properties, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial and soothing qualities.

70% Cocoa Powder

Raw cacao powder is one of the richest sources antioxidants found in nature. It provides important minerals including magnesium and iron and is also a concentrated form of healthy dietary fiber.


Bananas contain a good amount of health benefiting minerals (copper, magnesium, and manganese) and vitamins (B6 and C). Let’s not forget potassium. Simple sugars like fructose and sucrose replenish energy and revitalize the body. Bananas are also a good source of soluble dietary fiber.


Kale is a top choice when it comes to nutrient dense greens. It is an incredible source of well-absorbed calcium and provides decent amounts of vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, manganese, and potassium. Add to that phytonutrients which aid healthy liver detox and promote longevity.


Oats are a significant source of dietary fiber. This fiber contains a mixture of about half soluble and half insoluble fibers. 




