Cellular Wellness

Avoid these Common Detox Mistakes

Avoid these Common Detox Mistakes

A gentle, seasonal spring cleanse offers numerous health benefits, but as with any new program, it’s important start slowly and go easy on yourself. One common issue with many detox protocols is that they promise a “quick fix” using harsh ingredients that can send the body into a “detox crisis” with difficult reactions like headaches, digestive issues, lethargy, brain fog and more. However, there are easier, more comfortable and safer ways to remove toxins from the body and avoid unpleasant detox reactions
A Story of Tibetan Herbalism

A Story of Tibetan Herbalism

Tibetan herbalism carries a rich and sophisticated history of traditional use. A Tibetan herbal formula often includes more than 20 unique ingredients, and sometimes more than 100! These ingredients can generally be grouped into three classes: 1. A major group of ingredients that target specific area(s) in the body 2. A secondary group that supports and sustains the effects of the first group 3. A third group that helps balance the first two groups
The Nutrient You Need Most this Winter

The Nutrient You Need Most this Winter

During the cold, short days of winter it’s all too easy to become vitamin D deficient. The lack of sunlight and increased time spent indoors attribute to lower vitamin D levels and can lead to increased risk for bone and cardiovascular damage. Find out what you can do to keep your vitamin D levels up and keep your body’s systems working for you all season.