For Women

The Mistletoe Tradition

The Mistletoe Tradition

Mistletoe has a rich folkloric history. Most of us associate the plant with the celebration of Christmas and the winter holidays. And of course, kissing beneath the hanging sprigs…But the use of mistletoe goes back to ancient cultures including the Greeks, Norse and Druids, who revered the plant for its powerful health benefits and ritual symbolism.
The Skinny on Fats

The Skinny on Fats

Of all the food groups, fat is the most commonly misunderstood. We’re taught to believe that our obesity problems and related health conditions come from eating too many fats. However, fats are actually critical to numerous areas of health -- they just have to be the right kind. Here’s how to know the difference.
The Healing Pharmacy in Your Garden

The Healing Pharmacy in Your Garden

Traditional healers have taught the benefits of easing illness with a healthy lifestyle and the use of herbs and botanicals. But don’t think you have to get all your herbs from a jar. Many remarkable healing herbs are growing in your yard. Herbs and spices can be picked a few steps from your front door and used to perk up your cooking and your health.