Articles Written By: ecoNugenics

This author has written 377 articles
Build a Better Brain

Build a Better Brain

For generations, medical professionals and researchers asserted that once your brain and nervous system are developed, you can’t re-grow lost neurons or repair damaged ones. This meant that once the destruction is done – be it from injury, aging, neurological disease, heavy metals or other neurotoxins, chronic stress, or other factors -- there’s no way to repair it. However, new research is turning this idea on its head.
Recipe: Vegetable Tian

Recipe: Vegetable Tian

Warmer weather means the abundance of spring and summer vegetables like squash and zucchini. This vegetable tian is the perfect way to bring them all together.
Avoid these Common Detox Mistakes

Avoid these Common Detox Mistakes

A gentle, seasonal spring cleanse offers numerous health benefits, but as with any new program, it’s important start slowly and go easy on yourself. One common issue with many detox protocols is that they promise a “quick fix” using harsh ingredients that can send the body into a “detox crisis” with difficult reactions like headaches, digestive issues, lethargy, brain fog and more. However, there are easier, more comfortable and safer ways to remove toxins from the body and avoid unpleasant detox reactions