Articles Written By: ecoNugenics

This author has written 377 articles
Shining a Light on Toxic Light Bulbs

Shining a Light on Toxic Light Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL) bulbs are supposed to be more environmentally friendly by using less energy. CFLs also contain mercury which poses serious health risks when the bulbs are broken.
Top Detox Foods

Top Detox Foods

 Contrary to popular belief, detoxification doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s not like cleaning the garage or behind the fridge. A gentle, total-body detox can be like having your own luxury spa right at home – you can run an Epsom salt bath, light some beeswax candles, and drink a delicious green vegetable smoothie. When people learn just how easy detox and cleansing can be with the right foods, lifestyle practices and targeted supplements, it becomes a revolutionary way to revitalize long term health. There are a number of whole, natural foods that help cleanse and remove toxins from deep within. On the other hand, processed ingredients, caffeine, alcohol and trans-fats can increase toxic body burden, so it’s critical to eliminate these items. By emphasizing detoxifying, nutrient-dense foods, we help clear the way for optimal health throughout the year.
A Green Detox Smoothie Even St. Patrick Would Love

A Green Detox Smoothie Even St. Patrick Would Love

There's a myth going around about detox. Many people believe that detoxification and cleanse programs have to be grueling lessons in fasting and deprivation. That we must feel worse before we can feel better. But this isn't the case! We thought we'd share one of our favorite green smoothie recipes for St. Patrick's Day -- a healthy tip in our ongoing Spring Detox Special.
Planning a Spring Detox?

Planning a Spring Detox?

With the clocks moving ahead on March 9th, we are ready to "Spring Forward." It's a great time to start planning a seasonal spring cleanse. Spring is a time when people open doors and windows to air out their house and clean the excess clutter that has built up since Fall. The same can be said for your body.

Insights Into Mother's Day

It is no coincidence that Mother's Day comes at just this time of year. The archetype of motherhood is the source of all life -- the most primary and primal connection that marks the beginning of our individual existence. This season ushers in a real opportunity to get in touch with the life force flowing within us, and to feel a deep sense of gratitude for our own life.

The Honey Controversy – Allergy Relief or Sweet Nothings?

One unconventional approach to seasonal allergies is eating local honey. But while many people swear by eating 2-4 teaspoons per day in divided doses for allergy prevention, the general consensus in the medical world is skeptical. Few studies have been published on the subject, and so far, the results are far from conclusive.

Celebrate the Season of Renewal!

To celebrate the beginning of the beautiful spring season, EcoNugenics is offering our comprehensive detoxification supplements at 15% off. PectaCear® and Detox Complete® support total-body detoxification of heavy metals and toxins, for optimal health and vitality. Take advantage of this seasonal sale to start your spring cleanse with these advanced formulas, designed by integrative detoxification expert Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc.

4 Ways TCM Can Improve Your Relationships

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive medical system based on an energetic model of health in relationship to nature and the environment. TCM methods of healing include acupuncture, massage, herbs, breathing exercises and much more. For thousands of years, people have used TCM to successfully strengthen their physical, emotional and spiritual health. Here are four ways that TCM can also improve your relationships.

New Research: Love Your Heart with PectaSol-C®

It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day and National Heart Month both fall in February. While for centuries the heart has been associated with love, we don’t always love our hearts. We may lead stressful lives, eat the wrong kinds of food (and too much of it), smoke or neglect to exercise. While the heart is an amazing organ, beating continuously our entire lives, it has limits. Fortunately, simple things, like stress relief, exercise and diet can make a big difference in heart health. And new research shows how PectaSol-C® Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) works to support a healthy cardiovascular system, among its other remarkable benefits.

Tips for Fighting This Year’s Flu

Flu season is hitting hard this year. With the early arrival of more aggressive strains and higher levels of activity, the influenza outbreak has reached epidemic proportions. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn the outbreak may be the worst in a decade. Furthermore, this year’s vaccine is only estimated to be 62% effective in those who do get vaccinated. The good news is that no one is helpless in the face of the flu. There are a number of ways to prime your immune system and sail through cold and flu season unharmed. These tips can help you avoid getting sick, and facilitate faster recovery if you do fall ill.